Shel Spirax oils for automatic transmissions, mechanical and axles has been designed to bring solutions to drivers, owners and operators by contributing in the improvement of their equipment yield, thanks to protection against wear and life cycle features.
Benefits :
Approved against-wear protection : the protection against wear for axles and gears helps reducing maintenance costs, extending life cycle of the vehicles and improving the return on investment. Shell Spirax products range for gears and axles has made its prove in protection under extreme constraints. These synthetic oils present excellent features in terms of wear, equipment breakdowns and corrosion.
Extended lubricant and components life : the more the oil protects the components, the less you need to maintain the vehicles, they are able to function constantly, which reduce the maintenance costs. Shell Spirax products range includes oils designed to offer an added value through exceptional life cycle and protection, which allow to extend maintenance intervals. For instance, during standard oxidation tests, Shell Spirax S6 AXME for axles still respected the standards after a 4times longer test period : therefore, the components are protected 4x longer.
Better system yield : Shell Spirax oils are designed to protect gears components in order for them to work at their best performances. Shell Spirax S6 AXME & Shell Spirax S6 GXME, for instance, offer excellent anti-frictions and fluidity features in order to reduce power losses, decrease functioning temperature and optimize mechanical yield. They help saving fuel and money.