Shell Rimula Portfolio by sector :
Transport & logistics : Our products range offers a suitable solution for transport and logistics professionals, from the classical maintenance product such Shell Rimula R4X, to the premium products such as Rimula R6MS allowing longer maintenance intervals and fuel economy. Besides, we grow with our clients in the evolution of their transport fleet with innovative products.
Busses & coaches : Among the main oil provider for busses and coaches, we can help you identify the best product that will answer your operating needs. For instance, Shell Rimula R6LM represents a suitable solution for diesel engines mixed with GNC : a unique oil for the whole fleet. It also protects the particle filters.
Agriculture & Construction : Shell enjoys a large experience in professional diesel engine oils to world leading OEM’s in construction and agriculture. This is the guarantee for the right product that will bring protection and reliability during the years. With a large number of certifications, oils such as Rimula R4X protects the transport and civil engineering equipments.